Lego Bionicle

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Numerous Bionicle/Hero Factory

Numerous Bionicle and Hero Factory Lego, most are incomplete, a couple though are complete,...

Price: log in Used/PO
Richard Whitehead6
Flag GB
Private Seller n/aquestion_answer

Bionics Toa Mata Nui

Model: Lego 8998 Used/PO

Toa Mata Nui, in perfect condition, nothing missing, has got the spiked ball, very rare ....

Price: log in Used/PO
Colin Megson
Flag GB
Private Seller n/aquestion_answer

RARE Lego Bionicle Mistika 8696 Bitil!

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8696 Used/PO

RARE Lego Bionicle Mistika 8696 Bitil! Please see the photos. No instructions. We are in...

£13.00 Used/PO
Vikki Neighbour31
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Lava Chamber Gate

Model: Lego 8893 Used/PO

100% complete with box and instructions Open to offers, Message about shipping.

Price: log in Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller n/aquestion_answer

Toa Hordika Nuju 8741

Model: Lego 8741 Used/PO

Used. With box. No instructions.

£4.00 Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Toa Hordika Nokama

Model: Lego 8737 Used/PO

Complete with box and instructions.

£5.00 Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer
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Toa Hordika Whenua

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8738 Used/PO

Complete. No instructions. Perfect condition.

£4.00 Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Piraka Vezok

Model: Lego 8902 Used/PO

Used, complete, battery working, box, no instructions.

£8.00 Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Piraka Thok

Model: Lego 8905 Used/PO

No box lid. Good condition, with box body.

£10.00 Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer
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Piraka Avak

Model: Lego 8904 Used/PO

Used, Complete, Perfect Condition. With Box, Instructions, and 2 x sphere/ball. Battery expired.

£12.00 Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Toa Hordika Vakama - 8736

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8736 Used/PO

Used Perfect Condition complete with box, instructions, all pieces.

£4.00 Used/PO
Flag GB
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Irnakk Complete with extensions

Model: Lego 8626 Used/PO

Irnakk with original parts for Vezok 8902, Thok 8905 and Reidak 8900.

Price: log in Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Lewa 8535 Bionicle

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8535 Used/PO

Bionicle Lewa, checked all parts and good condition Original instructions

£12.77 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Toa Mahri Hahli 8914

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8914 Used/PO

Complete instructions + good condition

£10.64 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Ehlek 8920

Model: Lego 8920 Used/PO

Bionicle Ehlek, good condition with full instructions.

£10.64 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Bitil 8696

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8696 Used/PO

One weapon broken and 1 part missing otherwise complete even with bullets

£4.26 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Toa Mahri Matoro

Model: Lego 8915 Used/PO

Complete with most parts and full instructions

£8.51 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Inika Toa Hewkii + electric sword

Model: Lego 8730 Used/PO

Bionicle 8730. Haven't checked if electric sword works in years.

£10.64 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Bionicle Krekka Metru Nui 8623

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8623 Used/PO

All Pieces except small elastic included. Full instruction. From bionicless of metru nui.

£21.28 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer

Toa Hordika Whenua

Modelnavigate_nextLego 8738 Used/PO

Toa Hordika, full instruction book + good condition of lego.

£10.64 Used/PO
Flag ZA
Private Seller 100%question_answer